jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012


Hi girls! It's our last entry on this blog and I would like to say that...
WE DID IT!!!!! With everybody's help!!!!

Our communication on the blog and thru the virtual class' forums has been very enriching to me and I thank you for that. I don't know if you realize how much you've worked and thought about topics that may be you had not considered before. Good for you all!!! I really appreciate your ideas and your different viewpoints.
This year's work in the class is coming to an end and I wish you the very best for your exams. Make the most of the chance to put all your knowledge together and excell!
I've enjoyed working with you.

3 comentarios:

  1. Looking back on everything we've done, I think "It wasn't that bad!!" But I still remember all the effort and the time I put on this, and it makes me feel proud of myself. I hope my work will get a reward!

  2. I agree with Virgi, I think this year was one that encouraged us and put us through many things to overcome. I really enjoyed many of the things we did in Language class, and though I complained about everything we had to do, I'm glad I did it(though I don't really like Language as a rule). And of course, I hope all my effort has good results by the end of the year.
    For me, this year Language class was really different from last year and I could take much more profit of it.
    Thank you all for everything :)

  3. What an exhausting but fruitful year! In my case, I am glad to see how much I've worked during all this long period. As you said Liliana, we have discussed a wide variety of topics and we've had the opportunity to communicate all our ideas and feelings about them. I especially enjoyed this challenge because, as I am a person of few words during lessons, I could demonstrate that I also have things to say and I like these means to voice them, I mean through the blog and the virtual class, as we can think clearly what we are going to express, that maybe in class we do not have this possibility and we have to think of something on the spot.
