lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012


Hi girls! I'm posting two questions for everybody to discuss after our analysis of "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien.

a- Are you what you carry? Does it reveal who you are? If your house was on fire and you could only carry out 10 items of your most precious belongings. What would you take?

b- It is often said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Do you agree? Is there anything to learn from the Vietnam war?

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  2. In regards to the first question I would say I am what I carry. First of all because I carry myself, my decissions, my inner self, my feelings, my motivations and hopes, my fears and unfulfilled dreams, etc... and that's a big load. Second, I must say that everything I carry and how I carry them defines me a lot, especially the how. I carry many things, according to my needs, what I want, what I believe in, how inevitably obsessed I am with having everything in case something happens... Anyway, if you checked my backpack or my purse you'd find more than just cigarettes, a keychain and my cellphone... I carry everything in them, even things that I never, EVER use, but that are my must-have items. THe problem with the things I carry is that they are never well-organized, and I don't mind about it, just like my folders,books, etc.
    If I had to choose what to take in case my house was on fire I would choose: my notebook, my white snickers, my personal organiser, my grandmother's rosary, my pillow (I wouldn't change it for anything in the world), my CDs huge box, my copy of "Bar del Infierno" by Alejandro Dolina, my motorhead t-shirt,my of "Sheer heart attack" record by Queen and my leather jacket.
    Concerning the second task, I absolutely believe that's true. I hate myself for this, but I'll quote a cliche: "El hombre es el único animal que tropieza dos veces con la misma piedra". I think this is true, it is a fact. Vietnam war was actually the result of going down the same wrong one more time and ending up in war. Let's face it, conquering the world was a constant throughout history.Furthermore, as we've seen, England and then the USA dedicated their international agenda, at some point, to intervene in other countries affairs and it never ended up peacefully. Moreover, if we focus on the lives lost and on the people who suffered, struggled and went back home; if we trully think about them as the human beings they are, just like us, with the same needs, sufferings, emotions and feelings, we say there is much to learn about the Vietnam War. In addition to what it was done to the people who were there in "combat" we have to think about the psychological tiring and moral and physical degradation it was caused to them just because they were forced to fight a war that was not at all necessary.
    Thus, I think that every time we are in conflict, not only as a country, but at home, school, etc, we have to figure out which is the best, non-aggressive (I mean agressiveness caused verbally or by gestures, attitudes, decision making, etc.) form to solve the problem, that was what they ought to have done in those times. Nevertheless, there is always time to revise and to learn.
    The Vietnam war, and specially this story could guide us to do this revision of ourselves and how we contribute to making peace with ourselves and with each other.

    1. Excellent vicky! you put so much of yourself in your writings that it gives me great pleasure to read them. Thanks for wearing your heart upon your sleeve!

  3. I really don’t know how to answer those questions. I don’t know if I am what I carry. I know I carry things, mentally and emotionally, and I suppose they represent me, in a way… But it is something quite complicated to answer… because there are things that you carry, that you don’t want to carry, or that you don’t choose to, but you just have to. Anyway, I think that the things you carry revel who you are, they say something about you, either good or bad. The positive thing is that in most of the cases, you can choose what to carry, and that’s something good, isn’t it? I mean, we can choose what kind of person we want to be, or what we want to achieve in life, or how to behave, or by whom we want to be surrounded.

    If my house was on fire, I really don’t know what I would take… Of course I would first check that my family is out and alive, and then, I think I would take out all the precious things, the valuable things, money and all that. Because… those are the only things which can give you your life back, right? Maybe I would lose some memories, like pictures and that kind of stuff. But that is not important, because memories stick in your mind and heart, but you can’t leave having a house or furniture only in your mind, can you?

    As far as the second question is concerned, I think human beings couldn’t be more unreasonable. Everything is written, we have everything within reach. But we still are fool enough to keep making the same mistakes over and over again, getting involved in wars and all kind of confrontations so as to… I don’t know what… Become richer? More powerful? Insuperable? Unbeatable?

    I think that there are things to learn, not only from the Vietnam War, but from all the wars there have been also and from all the mistakes we have made in life. However, it seems that we are not wise enough to do so, and at the end, we make the mistakes but we don’t take advantage of them.

  4. Virginia, if you read your answer again you will realize that you started by stating not to know how to answer the question and you ended up with a profound commment. Isn't that one of the purposes of writing? To set us thinking, to sort out our thoughts and ideas? Great job!!I akgree with you: it's so good to choose what to carry, not only in your bag but in your mind and in your heart.
    Isn't it sad human beings keep fighting over power and material things? I couldn't agree more!!

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  6. I consider that I am what I carry, and when I say what I carry, I not only mean material things but emotional and spiritual things as well. From my point of view, they are part of our identity, they reveal who we are, they expose our life stories, feelings, preferences, memories, beliefs. I'm not a person who carries a lot of stuff in his handbag, I just carry what I need and it's useful in certain occasions, I'm not used to filling the bag with useless and non-sense things.

    The question about what I would take if my house was on fire and I had to carry out 10 items of my most precious belongings, it's something that depends on the moment, because when you are in such extreme situations, you just don't think carefully and peacefully what you are going to take out, you just act without reflecting. But as I have the opportunity to think beforehand, I believe that in such circumstance I would need to carry out less than 10 items. First, I would make sure that my family it's OK and safe, and later on, and if I have time, I would carry out money and as much clothes as I can, because I'm a bit obsessed with clothes. However, material things are the less interesting items to worry about, they can be retrieved.

    Regarding the next question, I totally go along with it, as human beings are the most imprudent species on earth, we (I include myself on this) keep making the same errors successively and we do not learn from those mistakes, we are extremely fools! I think that there is a great chance to learn from the Vietnam war, as it is a clear example of human failings. Soldiers went to war just for fear of being blushed, because they did not have the guts to say NO.

    1. Gina, it's so good you try not to carry unnecessary baggage, not only in your purse but also in your mind and soul. It's so much healthier!
      Nice comments. It is very interesting to read what you have to say concerning the topic.

  7. From my personal point of view, I´d say “yes”, we are what we carry. All the things we possess, in a way, reveal our identity. These things are not only tangible things, I believe that what defines us the most are intangible things, for example our personal background, our experiences, our wishes, our family relationships, friends, memories, likes, all that influences on us and make us behave and think in a certain way. Obviously, the material things we have also show our personality. For instance, the way you dress, the kind of music you listen to, the books you read, the food you eat… all that say something about you because they are part of you.

    If I had to choose something because my house was on fire, I would take… let me think… what a difficult question! Some photographs, my personal notes, some money, my favourite pair of jeans, my pc because it has a lot of information, the cell phone, a book that my friends gave me as present, my watch because I always need to know the time, the camera and the planchita para el pelo. Those are the things I would take out, but I cannot say that in such a desperate situation I would choose the same ones. May be I would take the most unthinkable thing such as the nail clippers! Who knows how we can react!

    Concerning the second question, I couldn´t agree more. That is why memory is so important. If society really has memory and has analyzed the mistakes, it will be more difficult to make the same mistakes in the future. But, it can be said that this doesn´t happen. Human beings are the only specie that trip up with the same stone, but not only twice, but thrice or even more!
    I consider there is much to learn about wars… I wonder if it is really necessary to kill too many lives… in search of what? Are money, power, status or economic interests good reasons to destroy not only a family but also an entire nation? I don´t think so. War is not the solution for nothing; on the contrary, it is the worst way to solve problems.

    1. Luz, very touching thoughts about wars and I couldn't agree more. Even thought there are many who only care about money, power or their own selfish wellbeing, there are as many of us who don't think or behave that way. If we keep resisting and teaching our children/students love, care and peace is the right way... who knows, something may change in the future.
      I enjoyed reading your comments very much. thanks!

  8. Are you what you carry? Does it reveal who you are? If your house was on fire and you could only carry out 10 items of your most precious belongings. What would you take?

    Interesting question! I am what I carry, no doubt about that. What I mean is that every decision we make and every word we say, reveal who we are. That is a heavy “burden.” Sometimes, we tend to say or do things that can affect other people, and when we realize about that, it may be too late. I believe in something called “Karma”, and that is the good or bad effect of doing a particular thing, being in a particular place, etc. I personally believe that it is related to the short story, because soldiers not only carried material things, but they also carried shame, guilt, aimlessness, lack of ambition, etc. Don’t you think that it is too much? I mean, we have to stand in the soldiers’ shoes. For sure, all these feelings might have been an oppressing burden for them.

    Concerning the last question, I would make sure that my family is safe, of course. Then, I would take money (first), some clothes, a mirror, deodorant, toothpaste and food!! haha, that’s too much, doesn’t it?

    b- It is often said that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Do you agree? Is there anything to learn from the Vietnam war?

    Well, I think that all agree that human beings haven’t yet learned the uselessness of war and struggles. In fact, we still have problems among countries and even within our society. I think that the only way to work things out is talking, expressing opinions and trying to find solutions. It is completely a waste of time (and money) to quarrel and row. Perhaps, it is true that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Sometimes, it seems that we like to” run into the same brick wall a thousand times”, but.. Why? May be, we need to be more thoughtful and try to avoid making the same mistakes

    1. Nice comments Josefina!!
      It is interesting to read you believe in karma. It is definitely true that we affect ourselves and ohters with our decisions and actions.
      As for wars, keep believing in and teaching about the wonderful power of human communication.


  9. Well, interesting question to think about… According to me the things that we carry everyday reveals in a way some details about our personality, about who we are. This is not only related to the personal things (belongings, personal objects), but also with our actions, our decisions and the way in which we behave. What I really mean is that each of us carries different burdens: the fact of being completely different from any other human being and the fact of having a unique personality. From my perspective, this feature is what makes us different and what justifies the decisions that we make, the things we say, etc. It is in fact a matter of life because we can´t get rid of our personality. We are born with a certain character that then will be shaped according to family values, society values, personal experiences and all that.

    To be honest, if my house were on fire the first thing I would save is my dog Ziro ha,ha (Of course after checking that all my family members are saved). Besides, I think that I would also take some family photographs, for sure my pair of skates, some money and some pieces of clothes.

    As far as the second task is concerned, I would say that unfortunately, nowadays there are some people who haven´t learnt from history and are doomed to repeat it. I say unfortunately because any war implies death, suffering and devastating and tremendous effects on people´s lives. Moreover, I should also say that there are many, many innocent bystanders who are harmed by war. These are people who have done nothing to create the war, who are not necessarily even trying to assert that their nation is right about whatever it is that has provoked the war, but who get killed anyway, because modern warfare is not restricted to battlefields, but spills over into civilian populations. War is very cruel. For all these reasons, people should appeal to diplomatic negotiation by means of communication (talking). That is the best way to resolve disagreements and problems.

  10. I don't believe that what I carry defines me or reveals what I really am. First of all because I don't always carry the same things and besides, there are also many things I “hump,” as everybody. Anyway, I think that what I carry and what I hump, to a certain extent, represent me. I feel more attached to longings than material things but I like to have comfort everywhere I go.
    If my house was on fire, the things I’d carry would be: my photo album, my wedding dress, my CD’s box, my computer, my camera and some personal documents. However, I really don’t know how I would react if that awful thing happens to me or my family. Probably, I’d remain stuck to the ground without knowing what to do.
    As far as task b is concerned, I totally agree on that! But I also believe that many societies, though knowing their histories very well, they seem “stuck” and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, and that, in my opinion is far worst.
    To my mind, people need to understand that wars don’t worth it. There’s nothing left from wars except millions of dead people, ill people, ruined lives, mutilated people, etc. They’re bad political negotiations involving several interests, appropriation of foreign lands and natural resources and selfishness. What I believe as important is to recover or discover the meaning of peace and put it into practice.

  11. I believe that what I carry doesn't reveal entirely who I am, but shows some pieces of my personality. I usually carry things just because of their usefulness and not because they represent me as a particular person, for example money, the keys of my house, a diary in which I write all the things I have to do (in order not to forget them), a handkerchief and a coat or something in case it gets cold. I think all these things are the ones that almost everybody carries. However, a thing that is not so common and that I always carry but never use, is a pocket mirror. I really don't know why I carry it, but maybe it means something more deep concerning my personality that I don't even realize.
    If my house were on fire, I would surely carry out less than 10 items, because in such a desperate situation I would only ensure that the being who I most adore were OK. That being is my little pet, who is like a daughter to me. I'd make sure to take her out immediately and also her cage and her food. Apart from that, I would try to carry out my mobile phone to call my family for help and my notebook if possible, since I have EVERYTHING there.

    In my opinion, learning from history doesn't guarantee that men are not going to make the same mistakes. As the saying says: A man is the only being who trips over the same rock twice. Moreover, knowing history sometimes conditions the actions of people. Many times we do not dare to make certain things for fear of being criticized or make mistakes, as we know that, throughout history, people who tried to do something in order to change the things they considered wrong were punished, exiled, or even killed.

    I consider that what we have to learn from the Vietnam war is: stop being conformists; defend our point of view at any cost; be brave enough as to stand our ground even when others want to oblige us to do thing we don't want to do; stand up for our rights and safeguard life and peace.

  12. I'm not completely sure if I am what I carry... What about if I don't carry anything? Am I nothing? Most of the time, when I have to go somewhere, I don't carry anything, not even money! My mum always tells me that I have to carry some money, at least, because you never know what can happens and when you will need some money at hand, for instance, to take a taxy, to go to the doctor if something happens to you while you are out of home, etc. Another thing (gadget, I'd say) that I never, ever carry, is my cellphone! I know I should always carry it, because of what I've just mention, that you never know when something can happens, and when you'll need to phone someone! Furthermore, when I do carry something, I don't often carry the same items, but only the ones that I need and are useful for certain occasions. Maybe all this DOES tell something about me and reveals who I am! Then, if I have to say that I'm what I carry, I will say that I'm a practical, sometimes careless (but not carefree) person... and I admit it!
    If my house was on fire, and I could only carry out 10 items, I would, first of all, make sure that my family (my mum, my sister and my brother) is safe and out of danger, as they are the most important and valuable treasure I have in the world. Immediately after that, I would safe the family's pets (our dog and our cat) as they would, for sure, be slipping inside the house, as they always do! :) Then I would try to carry out my teddy frog Renata (I adore her), some dresses I love, my notebook since I have everything there (photographs and songs as well as important documents), I would also carry out some money, and, finally, but not least important, I would obviously carry out the mosquito repellent because I hate those insects!

    From my point of view, we, as human beings, are greatly prone to make the same mistakes over and over, and it is just part of our nature. What is worst, we do not only keep making the same errors individually, but we also repeat the mistakes that different people kept making all throughout history. However, in my opinion, the solution is not always learning from history, because when we have to make a decision we don't think "Oh, no, I'm not going to do this or that this way because someone did it ten or fifty or two hundred years ago and he/she failed," no, we just act, sometimes without even thinking of what we are doing or about to do. Although we, human beings, have the capacity to think, we not always use that capacity, we just act! Then, because of that, I go along whit Roci when she says that learning from history doesn't guarantee that men are not going to make the same mistakes.
    Concerning the Vietnam War, I think that what we have to learn is the following: Violence doesn’t solve conflicts; on the contrary, it causes death, harm, destruction, sadness, misery, etc, and the worst part is that those who pay the highest price are innocent people who have nothing to do with the war and do not support violence. We also have to learn no to make the greatest mistake that the boys who went to the Vietnam War did: avoid being cowards. It is important that we stand our ground, no matter what others say, we shouldn’t allow anyone to oblige us to do something we do not want to do, but which we accept to do for fear of being called “coward”, on the contrary, we will be very BRAVE if we simply say “NO”, and that’s what the boys should have done…the story would have been different…
